Episode 47 - How to deal with career setbacks?

In this episode, I talk about career setbacks and how to deal with them.

Some of these setbacks could include the following

1. Losing your current job role

2. Going through redundancy

3. Being Furlough during the lockdown

4. Pay decrease

5. Not being promoted

6. Not being able to find a new job

These are such some of the examples and it could come up for you and it will be different for everyone who listens to the podcast.

I am also sharing a blog post I did about when I felt like I wasn’t good enough and the aftermath of my redundancy and how it impacted me https://www.somaghosh.com/careerhappinesssblog/my-career-unhappiness-story

You can also email me at soma@somaghosh.com to find out more about how I work with my clients and the women I work with.

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Episode 48 - 3 tips on returning to work after an illness


Episode 46 - Three reasons to change your career