Episode 55 - 3 ways to communicate better with your colleagues

In this episode I talk about communication what it means and why it’s an important skill and tool in the workplace.

I share ways how you can have better communication in the workplace. Also how communicate effectively will help you at work and thrive in your job.

If you like this episode you may also like the following links

1. In this podcast interview we talk about why communication and relationships are a key part of career happiness - https://www.somaghosh.com/podcast/episode-42-how-organisational-change-and-psychology-can-support-your-career-interview-with-hayley-lewis

2. This episode may be relevant to you if you feel you aren’t communicating how you truly feel and may be feeling undermined - https://www.somaghosh.com/podcast/episode-50-are-you-being-undermined-at-work

If you have any questions about this episode you feel you need support with your career please feel free to email me at soma@somaghosh.com

You can subscribe to the newsletter here https://thecareerhappinessmentor.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=3cbb0dae04c3c14700da9770e&id=e2f25afd53&fbclid=IwAR3BAIjOYN7DwEUpqeaFv6kIBH_Y4pyxQnmD9kl_BV9c6FafmMKoQ8mkrVs

Many thanks



Episode 56 - How can we work in more flexible way and look after your health at the same time (interview with Louisa Van Vessem)


Interview 54 - Creating your version of success in your career (Interview with Anna Lundberg)